
Onur Uzun
1 min readJul 10, 2018


The difference between a captured argument and a passing argument could be seen with an analogy. Consider the following function object:

struct Capture {
int &i;
int const j;
Capture(int &_i, int &_j) : i(_i), j(_j) {}
int operator()(int const a, int const b) {
i *= j;
return a * b;

In function object class Capture there are two member variables i and j. There's also overloaded operator() which takes two input arguments. Now consider the following lambda:

int i, j;
[&i, j](int const a, int const b) {
i *= j;
return a * b;

The member variables of class Capture are in analogy with the lambda capture (i.e., [&i, j]), whereas input arguments of overloaded operator() a and b are in analogy with input arguments a and b of the lambda shown above.

That is, if you consider a lambda as a function object, its capture is the state of the function object (i.e., its member variables) whereas its input arguments would be the input arguments of the overloaded operator().

